3 Habits for Better Productivity

3 Habits for Better Productivity

We all tend to work long days, but how many hours are truly productive? And who can blame us with online distractions, office snacks and interruptions every few minutes? The beginning of the day is critically important, according to James Reinhart, CEO and co-founder of thredUP. Here are three ways he recommends to help optimize your day:

Pick three wins for the day. Decide on the top three things you want to see accomplished that day—then, text them to yourself. Even if you don't "win" every day, this ritual will help you clarify your goals faster.

Block your calendar, achieve more. Take your to-do list and block off the amount of time you estimate each task will take. Then, add 33 percent. If a project is multi-day or has dependencies, break it into chunks—and allow no interruptions!

Power up after lunch. Take 15 minutes after lunch to refocus: turn off your computer or sit in a conference room and review your list of three wins. This check-in will help you identify distractions and derailments, and put you back on track with the remainder of your day.

As always, please feel free to pass these great productivity tips along to your team, colleagues and clients!

Source: Inc.com
