Darwinism in Real Estate…Will you be a survivor?
Dar-win-ism (där w -n z
A theory of biological evolution developed
by Charles Darwin and
others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the
natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's
ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.
The landscape of the
real estate and real estate lending industries has changed dramatically over the
last 10 years or so; first with the advent of the internet, then more so with
the evolution of the internet and how it became a normal every day part of all
of our lives, and now with the mobile revolution of smartphones and tablets.
With those changes in our industries have come changes in the role we play for
our consumers in their transactions. We no longer are needed just to provide
data. Consumers can easily go online on their own to see what interest rates are
doing, and to get information regarding a property and which homes are for sale,
or what properties in their neighborhood are selling for. What consumers really
need is someone to help…
· Take all of the
information available and analyze it properly – sometimes what they think they
want isn’t truly what they really need
· Guide them through the
process and avoid the landmines that they just don’t know are there
· Share with them years
of experience and insight to make the right decisions
· Protect them from
inaccurate internet teachings and information
Here is a great blog post written by a guy
named Matthew Ferrara that is called “Why Zillow
and Trulia Don’t Matter Today”. You may find some good insight in it.
Staying relevant to the consumer is the only way to survive and thrive. That
means doing things differently than we have in the past, and playing a different
role than we have as well. I hope the insight that we share with you each week
on the mortgage world helps you to do just that.

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